Queen Up! Electronic Media Kit


Author Bio and Contact Information

Angela Kaufman is a Certified Intuitive Consultant, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Intuitive Empowerment Coach. She is passionate about blending the mystical and mundane to help women at the crossroads redefine themselves and create fulfilling lives. She is author of Queen Up! Reclaim Your Crown When Life Knocks You Down (Conari 2018).  Angela has co-authored three of Wicca, What’s the Real Deal? Breaking Through the Misconceptions (Schiffer, 2011), Sacred Objects, Sacred Space; Everyday Tools for the Modern Day Witch (Schiffer 2012), and The Esoteric Dreambook; Mastering the Magickal Symbolism of the Subconscious Mind (Schiffer 2013). She also writes spiritually inspired social commentary and is an activist for the rights of humans and other animals.

Phone: (513) 622-9178

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: Intuitiveangela.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AngelaKaufman6/

Twitter:  @angela_kaufman6

Instagram: angela_kaufman6

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbMPem5KCEBKmRiOAIlOXPA?view_as=subscriber

To read about Queen Up! Synopsis, Frequently Asked Questions and more download the Press Sheet:

Updated press sheet


Reviews & Praise for Queen Up!

“I appreciate Angela’s Queen Up! and her powerful re-visioning of the Tarot’s Queens of Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles as a way to guide women to harness and express their inner potential. Just as we need more Warrior Goddess women, we need more women who have claimed their archetypal Queen: their sovreignty, wisdom and strength.”

– HeatherAsh Amara, author of Warrior Goddess Training

Queen Up! takes a fascinating new approach to the ancient art of Tarot. By focusing in great depth on just four cards, the Queens in different suits, she shows us how we can use the cards not just to understand our lives, but to transform them.”

-Rachel Pollack, author of The Fissure King- a Novel in Five Stories, 78 Degrees of Wisdom and more.


Queen Up! Offers thoughtful and practical guidance to start you on this fulfilling path of ruling the elements of your world rather than being ruled. With Queen Up! Angela Kaufman has given us a jolt of inspiration to reclaim our in-born sovreignty and magic. This is important, rewarding work at a crucial juncture in history and my deep wish is that every feminine person alive steps into her queenhood.”

-Carolyn Elliott, Ph.D., founder of WITCH magazine and author of Existential Kink and Awaken Your Genius.

“Angela Kaufman has created an tadalafil impactful book that draws you in with each page you read. It is indeed empowering and relevant to women of all ages. Read it and you will find yourself in it.”

Tina Zion, top selling author of Become a Medical Intuitive and Advanced Medical Intuition.

Queen Up! is an abundance of inspiration!   Angela Kaufman’s extraordinary book offers numerous means to activate our Goddess given power. With Queen Up! we delve into powerful archetypes and learn to incorporate them into our daily lives. We learn rituals to access our intuitive knowledge and are offered practical tips to help align with these powerful archetypes. Throughout  Queen Up! are exercises that guide us toward a deeper sense of self.

Queen Up! has it all.
The times they are a’ changing. We women are finding our voice, our power, our creative force. Queen Up! is a tool to help us women achieve our greatest potential.”

-Lisa Levart, Photographer/author of Goddess on Earth: Portraits of the Divine Feminine.

“Take Jung’s archetypes, mix in tarot, add guidance from someone knowlegable in the ways of psychology and magic, and you have “Queen Up!”; an insanely accessible guide to becoming a more complete person.”

-Rebecca Elson, Publisher The Magical Buffet website

Queen Up! Book Trailer